Effective Judicial Protection and the Regulation Implementing Enhanced Cooperation on the Establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office





European Public Prosecutor's Office, Effective Judicial Protection, Judicial Review


Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 of 12 October 2017 implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office contains several ambiguous provisions which spark the interest of European Union law scholars. One of them is the Recital 30 of said regulation, according to which where the national law of a Member State provides for the internal review of certain acts within the structure of the national prosecutor’s office, Member States should not be obliged to provide for review by national courts. The article therefore examines the notion of effective judicial protection within the European Union, its expression in the EPPO Regulation, some of the pressing issues relating (although not only) to the wording of the Recital 30 of the Preamble of the EPPO Regulation with regard to the principle of effective judicial protection and contemplates on possible reaction from the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Author Biography

Valéria Ružičková, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University
Faculty of Law
Kováčska 26
040 75 Košice, Slovakia


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How to Cite

Ružičková, V. (2022). Effective Judicial Protection and the Regulation Implementing Enhanced Cooperation on the Establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Slovak Yearbook of European Union Law, 2, 83–92. https://doi.org/10.54869/syeul.2022.2.320




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